منتدى التربية و التعليم تلمسان
اهلا بالزائر الكريم يرجى التسجيل للافادة و الاستفادة
سجل لتتمكن من تصفح المنتدى
منتدى التربية و التعليم تلمسان
اهلا بالزائر الكريم يرجى التسجيل للافادة و الاستفادة
سجل لتتمكن من تصفح المنتدى
منتدى التربية و التعليم تلمسان
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى التربية و التعليم تلمسان

لتحضير جيد للامتحانات و الاختبارات لجميع المستويات
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  البوابةالبوابة  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخول  العاب فلاشالعاب فلاش  
تعلم ادارة المنتدى انه تم فتح مؤسسة رياض باروتجي لبيع ادوات الحاسوب و الشبكة باسعار جد مناسبة على الرغبين في التواصل و تقديم اللطلبات ترك رسالة خاصة لمدير المنتدى
تعلم ادارة المنتدى انه تم فتح مؤسسة رياض باروتجي لبيع ادوات الحاسوب و الشبكة باسعار جد مناسبة على الرغبين في التواصل و تقديم اللطلبات ترك رسالة خاصة لمدير المنتدى
Awesome Hot Pink
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المواضيع الأخيرة
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» فروض واختبارات لمادة العلوم الطبيعية ثانية ثانوي
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» لأساتذة الفيزياء...قرص شامل لكل ما تحتاجه لسنوات التعليم المتوسط الأربع
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ساعة 258
عدد مساهماتك: 105
الملف البيانات الشخصية تفضيلات التوقيع الصورة الشخصية البيانات الأصدقاء و المنبوذين المواضيع المراقبة معلومات المفضلة الورقة الشخصية المواضيع والرسائل الرسائل الخاصة أفضل المواضيع لهذا اليوم مُساهماتك استعراض المواضيع التي لم يتم الرد عليها استعرض المواضيع الجديدة منذ آخر زيارة لي
سحابة الكلمات الدلالية
سريع متصفح تحويل جهاز
عدد مساهماتك: 105
الملف البيانات الشخصية تفضيلات التوقيع الصورة الشخصية البيانات الأصدقاء و المنبوذين المواضيع المراقبة معلومات المفضلة الورقة الشخصية المواضيع والرسائل الرسائل الخاصة أفضل المواضيع لهذا اليوم مُساهماتك استعراض المواضيع التي لم يتم الرد عليها استعرض المواضيع الجديدة منذ آخر زيارة لي
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا الشهر
لا يوجد مستخدم

اهلا بك يا
عدد مساهماتك 105 وننتظر المزيد

المواضيع الأكثر نشاطاً
الدولة العباسية
اكلات مغربية شهية
قرص خاص بالتدريس عن طريق المقاربة بالكفاءات
موسوعة الطب لتعميم الفائدة
موسوعة الطب لتعميم الفائدة2
للتعليم الجامعي بحوث مذكرات مواقع هامة جدا
هل تعلم ’?
كلمة مدير المنتدى
اسطوانات تعليمية من الابتدائي الى الثانوي - موقع مهم -
United Kingdom Pointer


 تمارين الانجليزية 3

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 113
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/11/2009
العمر : 27
الموقع : www.alhorria14ahlamonta.ahlamontada.com

تمارين الانجليزية 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تمارين الانجليزية 3   تمارين الانجليزية 3 Emptyالثلاثاء يناير 19 2010, 15:28

Introduce the theme of ethics in business by interacting with the students using the pictures as starters.
Make the project outcome explicit by talking about the final objective of the unit as a whole.
Listen and consider (pp.46-52)
Language outcomes (p.46)
Go through the preview to make the objectives of the section clear to the students.

Getting started (p.46)
The task of saying what the picture shows can be done through matching the picture with one of the practices in task 1. Thus you can tell the students to go through practices in task 1 and identify the one that the picture best illustrates. The answer is A. Then you interact with the students about who the people in the picture are, and then move on smoothly to task 1.
Task 1 Open questions
A. C , D unethical practices
B. This question can admit many answers. E; ethical practice.

Task 2 This task can admit of many answers. First, discuss some tentative interpretations. Then write down on the board the one explanation that the students regard as the most pertinent.

Let’s hear it (p.47)
The Right-to-Know Association is an anti-corruption body.
Transparency International publishes an annual report about the level of corruption in most countries of the world.
So you think there are chances of winning the fight against corruption.
Sorry to interrupt you, but should citizens be involved in this fight to stop corruption?

Around the Text (pp.47-50)
Grammar explorer (p.47)
Aim: to introduce the grammar notion of condition with provided that/providing that and as long as.
but only if
We will eradicate corruption (main clause) providing that we act now (subordinate clause).
The chances of eradicating corruption will increase (main clause) as long as all countries are committed to fighting it (subordinate clause).
D.Future in the main clause and present in the subordinate one. The time they refer to is the future.
Refer the students to p.218 to check their answers.
Task ( top of p.48)
The students can use as long as and providing/provided (that) interchangeably and in initial or mid positions. Possible answers
A. Banks will lend you money to start a business providing that you promise in writing to pay them back.
B. Your business will continue to prosper as long as you keep your probity and integrity.
C. The Mayor will be elected for a second term provided that /
as long as he manages to avoid corruption scandals.
D. Algeria will attract more foreign investments providing/provided (that) it passes stricter anti-corruption laws.
E. The government will regain the confidence of the citizens as long as bribery, embezzlement and nepotism are fought.
Grammar Explorer (p.48)
A. B. D (Present wish)
E. (Future wish)
C.(Past wish)
Refer the students to Grammar Reference, pp.219-220 to check their answers. Then elicit the nuances between it’s high time and I wish.

Task 1 (p.49)
A. It’s about/ high time the government took measures to stop tax evasion.
B. It’s about/high time the public authorities did something to eradicate the ‘underground’economy in our country.
C. It’s about/high time speculators of all sorts were arrested.
D. It’s high/about time public authorities made anti-smuggling laws more stringent.
Task 2 (p.49)
A. I wish I hadn’t stolen the public funds.
B. I wish I were at home and not in prison.
C. I wish I were out of the affair.
D. I wish you would give me a second chance. / I wish I could be
Given a second chance.
E. I wish I could eradicate nepotism.
F. I wish I could live in a corruption-free society someday.
Grammar Explorer III (p.49)
They express strong advice/recommendation
Citizens ought to/should stop shrugging their shoulders at bureaucratic abuse.
They ought not to/should not say that the fight against corruption is not their own business.
C. ‘’d better’ can be used in the second sentence only.
Refer the students to Grammar Reference pp.219-220 to check their answers.
Task (top of p.50)
You’d/ had better stop buying and selling securities ….Otherwise you’d be guilty…
We’d /had better not neglect to take the necessary measures… Or We’d/had better take the necessary measures…
They’d/had better reconsider their decisions very quickly…
They’d/had better give it up because this is a financial wrongdoing…
Vocabulary explorer p.50
Task 1 (p.50)
business (odd one out)
auditing (odd one out )
to trade (odd one out)
customs officer (odd one out)
abuse (odd one)
Task 2 (pp.50-51)
§A1 ( bribe) 2 (bribe) 3 (corrupt) 4 (a bribe /bribery)
5 (corrupt) 6 (corruption)
§B1(embezzlement) 2 (fraud) 3 (accountant) 4 (false invoices)
5 (bank accounts) 6. (embezzler)
§C 1 Money laundering 2 (money) 3 (criminal organisations)
4 (tax inspectors) 5 ( Money laundering ) 6 (deposit)
§D 1 ethical behaviour 2 (right) 3 (wrong) 4 ( ethical issues).
5 (a code of ethics) 6 (unethically)

Pronunciation and spelling (p.51)
Ethics (moral beliefs)
Ethics ( scholarly discipline)
a scientific discipline

All of them end with –ics.
Singular when the word refers to a scientific discipline and plural when it refers to something else.
Stress in words ending in –ics generally falls on the penultimate syllable. E.g. staTistics …
Physics, economics,

Think, pair, share (p.52)
Dear fellow citizens,
Corruption is an evil that must be fought now! In order to win this fight I urge all people of good will to unite around me.
If I were elected Head of State, I would implement the following anti-corruption programme. To begin with, I would appoint dedicated civil servants who would work honestly for the country: stealing money or accepting a bribe in exchange for a service is unethical

and illegal. Next, I would pass stringent laws to protect citizens and punish embezzling and bribe-taking. I cannot tolerate that honest citizens be the victims of corrupt civil servants.
I would also fight tax evasion and capital flight. Those who earn a lot of money must pay their taxes and contribute to the development of the country. Therefore any tax evader would be severely punished by specially appointed tribunals.
Finally, I would rehabilitate the value of work. Mutual trust is a moral value that we should teach our children from infancy. A little money earned honestly brings a lot of happiness and peace of mind.
To conclude, I could tell you, fellow countrymen that your
role as citizens is indispensable to fight corruption. No government can succeed without the help of civil society. Therefore, I urge you again to gather around me to win this decisive battle. Vote for honesty ! Vote for me!
Language outcomes (p.53)
Have the students skim through the language outcomes preview to make them aware of the objectives of this section.

Getting started (p.53)

It represents a customs officer holding the counterfeit of
a famous European painting. (See caption at the bottom of the picture.)
Logically the answer is no. Expect students’ justifications for their answers to be quite varied.
In quality/price/safety (open answer)
Many possible answers.
Many possible answers
6. Normally, the answer is : It’s wrong to imitate products because imitations are of poor quality/not safe/illegal and dishonest practices. …

Taking a closer look
Before setting the students to task, try to make them guess what the text is about by looking at the title. Then have them read the text and answer the questions.
It is difficult to distinguish between imitations and genuine
products because the counterfeiters are very skilful and make perfect copies of the original.
B. Counterfeit medicines are harmful because they have a lack of
active ingredients.
C. Counterfeiting has negative consequences on health, (public) safety, and the economy.
D. Imitation is just like stealing someone else’s property. (inference question)
E. Companies should reduce the prices of their products rather than spend huge amounts of money on advertising against counterfeiting.
F. Many possible answers. E.g. I agree with the author’s conclusion because consumers won’t buy imitations if the brands are at affordable prices (cheap/not expensive).

Around the text (pp.55-57)
Grammar explorer (p.55)
Task 1
A. There are so many marketed imitations of these brands that consumers have lost confidence in them.
B. Copies of brands are so cheap that consumers don’t hesitate to buy them.
C. Counterfeits are of such a bad quality that it is a waste of money to buy them.
Task 2 (p.55)
q These products are imitated to such a perfection that it is difficult to distinguish between the genuine and the fake products.
q The loss in profitability is so big that most of them have launched advertisement campaigns against counterfeiting.
Have the students check their answers and identify the problem areas in the answers they have provided to task 1 above.

Task 3 (p.55)
These products are imitated to such a perfection (main clause) that it is difficult to distinguish between the genuine and the fake products (subordinate clause).
The loss in profitability is so big (main clause) that most of them have launched advertisement campaigns against counterfeiting. (subordinate clause).
D. These products are perfectly imitated/ are imitated to perfection. As consequence/Consequently/As a result,/…
The loss in profitabilty is very big. So/As a consequence…
Grammar explorer II (p.56)
Present simple passive. A counterfeit is something that counterfeiters forge or imitate.
Present continuous passive C. Counterfeiters are copying products of all sorts everyday.
D; The sentences from the text are in the passive. They are impersonal whereas the others are personal (agency underlined).
Task (p.56)
Our copyright is being infringed (by many Internet users). Our music hits are being uploaded and downloaded. These copyright thefts are being put in pirate sites in order to swap them with other Internet users. These pirates must be reminded that a great deal of financial loss is being caused to us by swapping music illegally.
Grammar explorer III (p.56)
These consumers know well that they mustn’t buy imitations. (prohibition)
They must refrain from buying them.(obligation)
They have to buy them. (necessity)
A. must (obligation) and have to (necessity) B. mustn’t
Rich people don’t have to buy imitations.
Vocabulary explorer (p.57)
Task 1 (p.57)
Verbs: defraud, forge, imitate, deceive, steal …
Nouns: theft, fraud , forgery, imitation, counterfeiter …
Encourage students to use 5 to 6 words from the diagram in sentences of their own.
Task 2 (p.57)
Honesty - stupidity – responsibility – cruelty – morality – hospitability – legality
Task 3 (p.57)
Dishonest – disapprove - disagree - disapproval – illegal – immoral – unfair – irresponsible – disappear
Task 4 (p. 57)
It is both dishonest (1) and illegal (2) to imitate products. Piracy is due mainly to a lack of honesty (3) and morality (4). I totally disagree (5) with those who say that counterfeiting is beneficial to consumers.

Pronunciation and spelling (p.57)

Verb Nouns Adjectives
eOnomize eOnomy
eCOnomist ecoNOmic

Shift of stress: verb/noun –to adjective
Stress on penultimate syllable for words ending in –ic, -ics and -ical.

Think, pair, share (p.58)
Some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to lower-price goods. This is a totally mistaken claim. First, imitated goods are poor quality and do not last long. There is then no guarantee of value for money and more importantly, that fake goods are safe. Imagine how much damage low quality parts fitted in a car can do to the driver and passengers when they fail!
Secondly, if we think of fake foods or medicines, and the criminal procedures used by the people who make them, we can only remain firm on buying genuine products. There are several cases of substitute edibles which have caused dangerous diseases to people and which have resulted in long-lasting law suits. The outcomes could only be compensations paid for irreparable damage but the moral damage caused to the victims can never be repaired! Recent figures released by the European Union show that the customs are confiscating 100 million fake items every year.
Thirdly, it is highly immoral to reap where other people have sown. Pirating products is indeed imitating other people’s property, and refusing to engage in a creative act. It is much more rewarding to turn one’s abilities to creating new objects of value that could serve the community, or improve the performance of existing ones.
Fourthly, pirating objects is by essence theft, especially when the producer of a fake item affixes the label of a well-known trade mark on it. Some countries are notorious for their practice of counterfeit objects. One wouldn’t like Algerians to be known for practising this dubious trade, as much as one wouldn’t like to see them buy cheap, fake products and head into unsuspected troubles.

Elicit the humour in the cartoon.
Proverbs and sayings
1. Money talks
Here ‘talks’ means carries weight, in the sense that it is influential. It is possible to do much more with money than without.
‘Why did the members side with Mr X at the annual general meeting? Mr Y’s arguments were much more convincing.’
‘Mr X is a rich man and Mr Y isn’t. If we’d accepted Mr Y’s proposals, the Club would have lost the support of Mr X. Money talks, you know.’
Equivalent of the saying : A golden key opens every door.

2. The love of money is the root of all evil.
All kinds of wickedness and tribulations spring from the desire to become rich. The source of this saying is Timothy (in the Bible) I./10.
Note that it is the love of money that is the root of all evil, not money itself.

3. Everyman has his price.
All people can be corrupted in one way or another. This is a very pessimistic point of view to hold about human nature.
4. Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.
The opposite of this saying is Pennywise and pound foolish, which means careful in small matters and foolish in large matters. The saying recommends that we should be careful about small expenses so as to save money and invest it in profitable ventures.
5. Money can’t buy you love.
There are things that you can’t buy with money. One of these is love.
6. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
We should be careful about money because it isn’t easy to get.
7. Business is business.
Business does not take into consideration other matters than those of business. What matters most is profit, i.e., the amount of money you can make out of a business deal/transaction.

Assignment one
This is a research assignment. So students have to find information through the Internet. E.g. Punishment for tax evasion is more severe in the U.S than in Algeria and England.
Assignment two
Have the students discuss the ethical issues in class. Elicit their own opinions about each of them. They don’t have to agree about any of them.
Skills and strategies outcomes (p.61)
Have the students skim through the preview and discuss what these skills and strategies can possibly mean.

Before listening (p.61)
1. It’s ethically wrong because he is polluting the environment. All he is concerned with is profit.
2. Students should feel free to give their own opinions.
3. Many possible answers. These answers depend on answers to
question two above.
4. There are many possible answers. Students don’t have to agree with each other.
5. The students don’t have to agree. The most important thing is to encourage them to justisfy their answers.

As you listen (p.62)
Have the students skim through the text in the Coping Box to prepare them for the listening task.
Task 1 (p.62)
A. George B. Mark C. None D. George E. None F. George
G. Mark
Task 2 (p.62)
Let the students think about the issues before giving their opinions. Pair and group work.

After listening (p. 63)
Have the students skim through the text in the coping box and the items in the two tables before moving to the task proper.

Say it in writing (p.64)
Ladies, gentlemen
Some people say that businessmen should apply their own personal ethical standards when doing business. They tell us that you need money to make money; that the world of business is a jungle; and that if we respect ethics, we can undermine the values of hard work and freedom. Let me tell you that I don’t agree with these arguments at all. I believe that such arguments are only excuses to escape the responsibility of business companies towards the welfare of society as a whole. As far as I am concerned, I say that ethics has everything to do with business….
Skills and strategies outcomes (p.65)
Have the students skim through the preview to get them acquainted with the objectives of this section.

Before reading (p.65)
1.E.g. The right of the child for education ( See text on the Rights of the Child in SE2 textbook.) The child is below the legal minimum age to work.
2. Many possible answers. They are unethical/criminal because …
3. Many possible answers. Students don’t have to agree.
4. Many possible answers. Students don’t have to agree.

As you read (p.66)
Task 1:
A.b This task is not testing students’ comprehension. So make sure they explain why the other choices are false.
B. Social Auditing and its importance in business
Task 2 (p.66)
A. They are commissioning social audits because they are increasingly aware of the importance of social and environmental issues for their reputation.
B. Giovani Preston travels to countries to check labour standards.
C. Labour standards: paying their workers fairly, good health standards - safety record with low levels of illness and accidents - not using child labour
D. We can no longer separate ethics from business. (Students can provide many possible justifications.)
Task 3 (p.67)
A. commission B. prosper C. corporate D. designate
E. oversee F. suppliers G. scrutiny

After reading (p.68)
Let the students skim through the text in the coping box. Then illustrate the difference between lexical and grammatical cohesion.
Synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy = lexical cohesion
Articles, possessive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, pronouns= grammatical cohesion
Make it clear to the students that lexical and grammatical cohesion is important for comprehension.
Task 1 (p.68)
q Their (businesses), them (businesses), these (social audits), that (social audits), their (businesses), their (businesses) §1
q They (supporters of social audits), it (social reporting) it (social auditing) company excutives (they), those (companies) §2
q This criticism (a social audit may just be a public relations exercise),
them (executives), This ( the rest of the text between inverted
commas) §3
q There ( developing countries), Their: ( companies in the clothing industries) §4
q Ours (our company) §5
Task 2 (p.68)
Make sure students realize that identification of reference words can help them better understand the text. Reading is not a linear activity. It is a coginitive activity which involves a backward and forward eye movement in search of lexical and grammatical cohesion.
Task 3 (p.68)
(A)Algeria has recently adopted a new model of economic development. (D) This model balances economic growth, social justice and the sustainable use of natural resources.(B) It has also set high standards of governance including social auditing and public accounts reporting. (C) Such tasks are carried out by the National Economic and Social Council and by the Accounts Court. F. In addition to the setting of standards of governance, it has accorded ethically responsible companies tax reductions so as to encourage them to promote sustainable development and social well-being.
E. Odd one out.

Writing development (pp.69-70)
The people and organisations who put their money into our fund want us to invest in ethical ways, and we work hard to make their desires a reality. We consider that the conservation of the environment for future generations a moral duty. Thus we avoid companies that endanger the environment. …
Project outcome (p.71)
Assessment (72)
Follow the models included in the other units. Time for… (p.33)


Use the two pictures to introduce the theme of the unit. Then ask the
students what they expect in terms of project outcome. Finally, get them to skim through p.109 to check their guesses and set them thinking about the project.

Language outcomes (p.75)
Have the students skim through the preview before you move on to the Getting-started rubric.

Getting started (p.75)
The questions in this rubric are personalized and seek to elicit opinions. The varied answers could lead to a brief discussion about the theme of the unit.

Let’s hear it (p.76)
Task 1 (p.76)
A. Mr Harris went to see with the headmaster about his son in order to discuss about his son, William.
B. William has decided to become an artist.
C. He should/ought to choose something more secure.
D. The alternative job that could be taken up by William is that of commercial artist.
E. If he wanted to become a commercial artist, he might do very well to take an art course.
F. He shouldn’t stand in his way.
Task 2 (p.76)
The summary can be made on the basis of the answers to the questions in task 1. Make sure you limit the time for the students to do the task.

Around the text ( pp.76-80)
Grammar explorer 1 (p.76)
A. 1. Type two 2. Type Two 3. Type Three 4.Type On
Refer the students to Grammar Reference in SE2 textbook, pp.201-2.
Task 1 (p.77)

If I were tall enough, I’d/would be a policeman or a firefighter.
If he had got the required marks, he would have gone on a training course to be a doctor. He wouldn’t have taken a course in computer science (instead).
If you work hard, you will succeed.
If you get your Baccalauréat, I’ll offer you a motorcycle.
If she had worked hard, she wouldn’t have failed her Baccalauréat examination.
If Farida had taken into account the job market at the time of her enrolment at university, she would have got a job. Or she wouldn’t have been jobless.
If you don’t study harder, you won’t pass your Baccalauréat. Or if you studied harder, you would pass your Baccalauréa with distinction.
Note if can be either in initial or mid position.

Task 2 (p.77)
Make sure the students produce a short, coherent statement. (Conditional type 2)
Grammar explorer II
A. present simple + future
B. b. ( If you don’t let him) /or except if.
C. c. (warning)
Task ( bottom of p.77)
A. Unless you study more, you won’t pass your Baccalauréat.
B. Unless you listen carefully, you won’t know what to do in your exam.
C. Unless we hurry, we ‘ll miss the school bus.
D. Unless she gets more information, she won’t complete her project.
N.B Unless can be in mid position.

Grammar explorer III (p.78)
Wish about the past (sentence 3) past perfect
Wish about the present (sentences 1, 2, 4)
Wish about the future (sentence 5)
Task (p.78)
To be filled by students.
Grammar explorer IV (p.78)
1. A.advice B. advice C. advice D. obligation
2. must= have to . No they are not similar because mustn’t expresses prohibition whereas don’t have to expresses lack of obligation.
Task ( top of p.79)
1. must 2. don’t have to 3. mustn’t/must not 4.should/ought to
Vocabulary explorer (p.79)
Task 1 (p.79)
He is determined to become an artist (2)
He ought to engage in something more secure. (4)
C. I couldn’t have been a teacher myself if I was free to choose.
D. I don’t think you should prevent him doing what he wants.
Task 2 (pp.79-80)
A. Boarding school co-educational school
B. school mate - school report – school leaving age
C. attend school - drop out of school
D. comprehensive school - grammar school
E. public school - state school
F. compulsory education
G. further education, higher education
Task 3 (p.80)
Comprehensive schools are open for children over eleven of all abilities.
I have lost touch with most of my former school mates, except for Said.
The name public school is very illogical since it means a private school for the rich and privileged in Britain.
The Algerian educational system provides free and compulsory education until the age of sixteen.
The school leaving age in Britain and Australia is the same: sixteen.
As every school child knows, oil floats on water.
Compulsory education in Britain lasts from age five to age sixteen.
Task 4 ( p.80)
Educational - effective – selective – functional - practical - attractive - responsive – innovative – constructive

Pronunciation and spelling (p.81)
Use the weak forms of the modals.

Think, pair, share (p.81)

Poem no 1:

I wish words could come to me like whispers
And that I could compose better papers
English is the subject I like best
I wish it would help me pass the test.

Poem no 2:
I wish I could cope well enough
To work a miracle that day
Oh examiners don’t be tough
And let me just have my way.
Task 2 (bottom of p.81)
Make sure the students comply with the grammar rules and present a coherent and logical list of tips.
Language outcomes (p.82)
Instruct the students to skim through the preview so as to be acquainted with the objectives of this section.

Getting started (p.82)
Activate background knowledge.
1. Many possible answers. (General question)
2. Comprehensive school/ Grammar school/High school.
3. GCSE, BA/B.Sc, M.A/M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D.
Draw attention to the picture. It is a snapshot taken during a graduation ceremony. Focus on ceremonial dress: mortarboard and gown.

Taking a closer look (p.83)
Task 1 (p.83)
A. … because education has a lot of importance for the British people.
B. No, not all of them. Some of them receive their primary education at an infant school and then a junior school whereas others receive it at a primary school that combines the two.
…in order to show how well individual schools have done in tests and exams.
Ideally all these answers should be voiced in the students’ own words.

Around the text (pp.84-88)
Grammar explorer 1 (p.84)
No subject has as much importance for the British people as that of education.
q Most citizens
q A great deal of money, a little (money)
q A lot of talk
q A lot of people
q The privileged few
q Some of them
q Some students
q A few others
B. See Grammar reference pp.216-217.
Grammar explorer II (p.85)
Comparatives of superiority
q At election time, politicians who promise to spend a great deal of money on education are more popular than those who promise.
q Secondary schools are much larger than primary schools.
q Students may have to travel longer distances by school bus or public transport.
N.B. comparatives of equality (with quantifiers)
q No subject has as much importance for the British people as that of education.
(Rewrite: For the British, no subject is as important as that of education.)
Comparatives of inferiority
This is the reason why private education is less accepted in Britain than it is in the United States.
Task 2 (p.85)
Refer the students to Grammar reference in SE2 textbook p.193.
Task 3 (p.85)
Many possible answers
Provide topic sentences for the students.
E;g. The middle school and the secondary school are different/differ in many of their aspects.
Grammar explorer III (p.86)
q This requirement is more or less similar to what is required by American universities.
q It has made the current educational system different from the previous ones in at least two major aspects.
Unlike the old system, the present system sets the same subjects for all state schools.
In contrast to the old practice, standards at individual schools are watched closely by inspectors.
Grammar explorer IV (p.86)
A. the form of the verb (auxiliary of be + past participle) + by+agent
Parents watch standards closely. Inspectors regularly visit schools.
The use of the passive is more tactful. We are more interested in the action than the agent of the action.
It is not awlays necessary to use the preposition by.

Task 1 (p.87)
Writing is regarded as a process by educationists. Students are required to examine closely the teacher’s instructions so as to understand the sort of composition they are expected to produce. The topic is brainstormed (by the students) in order to generate ideas. These ideas are jotted down in the form of diagrams such as network trees and spidermaps. Once the brainstorming is finished, the most relevant ideas are selected. The selected ideas are organised in a plan. A first draft composition is written to flesh out the plan. As soon as this is done, the draft is revised to correct errors in spelling and grammar. It is also revised in order to see whether it is coherent or not. Students are advised not to hand their compositions to the teacher before all mistakes are corrected.
Task 2 (p.87)
Have the students insert the sequencers. There are many possibilities.
Vocabulary explorer (p.87)
Task 1 (p.87)
Education - developing - instruction - beginning - learning -going - schooling - socialization - training - information - functioning
Task 2 (p.88)
Have the students fill in the map and add some items of their own.
Task 3 (p.88)
Karim took his Baccalauréat exam last June. If he passes it, he will go to university. But if he fails, he will take up a course in a vocational training school to become a plumber or an electrician. Now ask them to write a coherent paragraph, drawing from the completed mindmap.

Pronunciation and spelling (p.88)
Task 1 (p.88)

/s/ /z/ /œz/
United States
Sets Citizens
Politicians, combines,schools, towards, others, standards, tables, exams Ages
Task 2 (p.88)

Verb Noun Verb Noun
InSTRUCT EduCAtion InsTRUCtion Form
TransFORM ForMAtion

Stress shift (verb to noun ending in –tion)
Task 3 (p.89 Stress on the penultimate syllable.
Task 4 (p.89)
Funnier, younger – better- nicer – quieter – thinner – stronger

Think, pair, share (p.89)
Dear Linda,
Today, I’ll write to you about my school. And the least I can say is that I feel quite happy and comfortable in it.
First, let me mention its old stone building, surrounded by a nice flower garden. The flowers are carefully arranged, and in spring, they give off a nice scent when we head for the classes through the garden. Further back, there are two large courtyards with enough space and benches to play or relax. There are also big, ancient olive trees near the walls, where birds perch and nest. We can hear them warble and chirp all year round.
Let me also describe my classroom. It is large and well decorated, with old-fashioned brown desks, and posters and pictures all over the walls. And then, there are those cabinets full of books which smell of old paper. Actually, I like borrowing a book from to time and dream of all the adventures and mysteries I read about.
I’ll finally say a few words about my teachers. I’m lucky to have such good and considerate people around me. They are so keen to see the students do well. They are always prepared to answer our questions, and they really want to make sure we understand the hard parts of the lessons and exercises. I like the way teachers get us involved. They surely have children of their own at school, which explains why they understand how we feel.
So if there is one good reason why I like my school, it surely is because the teaching staff are so caring, and so friendly. I can’t dream of a better school!
Take a break
2. Mathematics 3. Geography, 4. Science, 5. English, 6. German,
7. History
Research and report (p.92)
The students can present the assignment in the form of a leaflet if it’s not possible for them to have it done in the form of a homepage.

Skills and strategies outcomes (p.93)
The students will skim through the preview so as to get acquainted with the objectives of this section.

Before listening (p.93)
Access students’ background knowledge.
1. The lady is Mary Curie. 2.She was born in Warsaw, Poland. 3.She is Polish. 4.She is in a laboratory doing an experiment. 5. Yes, because… No, because …

As you listen (p.94)
Task 1 (p.94)
Students check the answers to questions in task 1.
See answers above.
Task 2 (p.94)
School inspector interrogating girl
Polish school room - Warsaw
Father: professor of physics - started teaching 18 (not 16) went: Paris
Task 3 (p.94)
Have the students skim through and discuss the text in the Coping box before setting them to task. Read the script paragraph by paragraph and try to have the students guess what comes next after each pause. You can help the students with a diagram containing wh-words: who, what, where, when, how, why because the listening script is a narrative.
N.B. Note taking can be supplemented by note making i.e., briefly jotting down one’s reactions and ideas about the text.
Task 4 (p.94)
N.B. Taking notes is essential in order to remember what one listens to or reads, but it has a further use: when taking notes, it is necessary to establish the structure of the text and its key ideas and to learn to leave out unessential information.
In making summaries, too, minor details must be omitted, but
q a summary is usually written in one’s words.
q it does not necessarily imply outlining the structure of the text, as note- taking usually does.
q it should be an accurate and objective account of the text, leaving out our reactions to it whereas note taking ( as mentioned above) can be supplemented by note making.
Possible summary
This story recounts the life of Marie Curie, born Manya Sklodovsky in Poland occupied then by Russia. Curie experienced many hardships during her childhood. She lost her mother at an early age, and her father, a professor of physics, had problems with Russian rulers. Though she was close to her father, she left him and went to Paris. She made heavy sacrifices to pursue her further studies. Marie obtained a doctorate from the university (Paris) and married Professor Curie. Both of them were attracted to each other because they had similar interests in physics.
N.B. Make sure you limit the time devoted to the oral presentation of the summary (2 to 3 minutes).

After listening (p.34)
Task 1 (p.94)
This task here is not one of summarizing since it involves the expression of students’ reactions to the text. It is rather a commentary. See note making above.
Possible answer
I find Marie Curie’s life story very moving. It reminds me of colonial education in Algeria. The thing I liked best about it was the courage that Marie showed in her pursuit of knowledge. Another thing I liked about it was the dignity that Marie maintained in spite of all the problems she faced in Paris. What I didn’t like was the behaviour of the Russian school inspector. I think the lesson that the author wanted to teach us was that women are as dedicated to science as men.
Task 2 (p.95)
Possible answer
Today’s lecture is about education in India. India was a British colony. It re-gained its independence on August 15, 1947. At independence, it had 12,843 primary schools, 636 colleges and 17 universities. Only 14 % of its population were literate. The total expenditure on education did not go beyond 570 million rupees then. Education in India has witnessed a tremendous improvement since independence. According to the education census of 1996, the number of primary schools reached 600,000, that of colleges 7,000 and that of universities 211. The literacy for age groups between 6 and11 was 94% whereas the overall literacy stood at 52,11 %. Education expenditure was 200,000 million rupees. …

Saying it in writing (p.95)
You tell me to decide what my ideal school would be like if I could plan one. Well, I say my ideal school would be a school where students would be free to choose what they like to study. It would have many classrooms, and each classroom would be equipped with computers….

Skills and strategies outcomes (p.97)
The students will go through the preview so as to get acquainted with the objectives of the section.

Before reading (p.97)
Access background knowledge. Pay more attention to secondary and postsecondary education. Encourage the students to use link words to express comparison and contrast.

As you read (p.98)
Tasks 1 and 2 (p.98)
(Although in general Americans prefer … between the ages of 5 and 18.) §1 The government and education
(Formal education is usually considered … the cost for people who live in the state. ) §2 The school system
(By some standards …. are illiterate). §3 (The quality of education )
Most educational institutions are public… so that they will have advantages later in life.) §4 (Types of education)
Americans agree on the importance of education…their beliefs.) §5
(Points of conflict)
The odd one out is Education in the US (which is the title of the text)
Task 2 (p.99)
( Although there is a Federal Department of Education… concession)
(Since the Constitution does not state that education is a responsibility of the Federal Government… cause ) As a result, each of the 50 states is free to determine …effect). In turn, however, state constitutions give actual control… concession)…. By contrast to other countries … contrast), there is, therefore, (consequence) a very large amount of local control over education in the United States.
However (contrast) in relation to the first paragraph), because local and state taxes support the public schools, ….cause) there are significant differences in the quality of education (effect). States and communities that are able or willing to pay more for schools, buildings, materials, and teachers almost always have better educational systems than those that cannot or do not. Thus (deduction) for example (exemplification), the average expenditure per pupil for secondary education in the U.S. was $4,000 in 1986. But (contrast) some states such as Alaska, New Jersey, and Wyoming spent more than 5,000 per pupil. In order to reduce the differences in the quality of education, (purpose) the Federal government sometimes provides special funds to poorer areas and school districts. But (contrast) in general Americans are worried that more Federal help could eventually lead to less independence and less control in state education.

After reading (p.100)
Task 1 (p.100)
A. Yes, because they make the inter-sentence and inter-paragraph relationships more explicit.
B. Unlike= contrary to/ in contrast to/by contrast to
Since= because/as
As a result= as a consequence/consequently/ so, thus/hence
By contrast= contrary to /unlike
However: yet
Thus: So
For example= for instance
In order to= to, so as to
But= yet/however
C.mind the students that it is not necessary to use link words when the meaning relationship between sentences and paragraphs is explicit. Apart from but, and, so, yet and however, the other link words should be used sparingly. For example, As a result in the clause ‘As a result, each of the 50 states is free to determine its own system for its own public schools is not really needed.’ We can have two indepedent clauses instead. The other link words that can omitted are: therefore, however, thus, and for example.
D. We can link the first sentence with the second sentence of the paragraph with because.
Task 2 (101)
The order of the sentences depend on whether the emphasis is on cause or effect.
(D) The idea of continuing or lifelong education has become more important than ever before because (B) the job market is changing rapidly as a result of technological advance. (A) This idea is more or less accepted all over the world (E) as people are afraid of losing their jobs if they don’t keep upgrading and updating their occupational skills. (C) Today, many adults go back to school to broaden their knowledge and learn something they enjoy doing. (F) But in the near future, all of them will return to school mostly for occupational reasons.
(B) The job market is changing rapidly as a result of technological advance. That is the reason why/so/consequently/as a consequence (D)the idea of continuing or lifelong education has become more important than ever before. This idea is more or less accepted all over the world because (E) people are afraid of losing their jobs if they don’t keep upgrading and updating their occupational skills. If, (C) today many people go back to school to broaden their knowledge and learn something they enjoy doing, (F) in the future, all of them will return to school mostly for occupational reasons.

Writing development (pp.101-102)
Examinations have an important role to play in any system of education. Indeed, it is impossible to imagine a school which does not set exams for students to measure their progress and to evaluate their qualifications. However, if exams are necessary, they sometimes put students under pressure and can cause stress-related conditions.
One major factor/consequence of stress …
Project outcome (p.103)
Assessment (p.104)
See model in unit 1.
Time for… (p.105)
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» حلول تمارين الرياضيات و الانجليزية( نهائي تسير و اقتصاد)

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