منتدى التربية و التعليم تلمسان
اهلا بالزائر الكريم يرجى التسجيل للافادة و الاستفادة
سجل لتتمكن من تصفح المنتدى
منتدى التربية و التعليم تلمسان
اهلا بالزائر الكريم يرجى التسجيل للافادة و الاستفادة
سجل لتتمكن من تصفح المنتدى
منتدى التربية و التعليم تلمسان
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى التربية و التعليم تلمسان

لتحضير جيد للامتحانات و الاختبارات لجميع المستويات
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  البوابةالبوابة  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخول  العاب فلاشالعاب فلاش  
تعلم ادارة المنتدى انه تم فتح مؤسسة رياض باروتجي لبيع ادوات الحاسوب و الشبكة باسعار جد مناسبة على الرغبين في التواصل و تقديم اللطلبات ترك رسالة خاصة لمدير المنتدى
تعلم ادارة المنتدى انه تم فتح مؤسسة رياض باروتجي لبيع ادوات الحاسوب و الشبكة باسعار جد مناسبة على الرغبين في التواصل و تقديم اللطلبات ترك رسالة خاصة لمدير المنتدى
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ساعة 258
عدد مساهماتك: 105
الملف البيانات الشخصية تفضيلات التوقيع الصورة الشخصية البيانات الأصدقاء و المنبوذين المواضيع المراقبة معلومات المفضلة الورقة الشخصية المواضيع والرسائل الرسائل الخاصة أفضل المواضيع لهذا اليوم مُساهماتك استعراض المواضيع التي لم يتم الرد عليها استعرض المواضيع الجديدة منذ آخر زيارة لي
سحابة الكلمات الدلالية
تحويل جهاز متصفح سريع
عدد مساهماتك: 105
الملف البيانات الشخصية تفضيلات التوقيع الصورة الشخصية البيانات الأصدقاء و المنبوذين المواضيع المراقبة معلومات المفضلة الورقة الشخصية المواضيع والرسائل الرسائل الخاصة أفضل المواضيع لهذا اليوم مُساهماتك استعراض المواضيع التي لم يتم الرد عليها استعرض المواضيع الجديدة منذ آخر زيارة لي
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا الشهر
لا يوجد مستخدم

اهلا بك يا
عدد مساهماتك 105 وننتظر المزيد

المواضيع الأكثر نشاطاً
الدولة العباسية
اكلات مغربية شهية
قرص خاص بالتدريس عن طريق المقاربة بالكفاءات
موسوعة الطب لتعميم الفائدة
موسوعة الطب لتعميم الفائدة2
للتعليم الجامعي بحوث مذكرات مواقع هامة جدا
هل تعلم ’?
كلمة مدير المنتدى
اسطوانات تعليمية من الابتدائي الى الثانوي - موقع مهم -
United Kingdom Pointer


 تحميل كتاب Psychotherapy and Medication The Challenge of Integration

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

مزاجي *: : عادي
الجنسيه *: : جزائر
عدد المساهمات : 16284
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/07/2009

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مُساهمةموضوع: تحميل كتاب Psychotherapy and Medication The Challenge of Integration   تحميل كتاب Psychotherapy and Medication The Challenge of Integration Emptyالإثنين نوفمبر 28 2011, 00:25

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The Authors ix

Acknowledgment xi

1. Introduction 1

2. Theoretical Bases of Combined Treatment 7

3. Getting Started With Medication 23

4. The Meaning of Medication 41

5. Clinical Values of Combined Treatment 63

6. Approaches to Treatment: The Prescribing Therapist 83

7. Split Treatment 105

8. Combined Treatment for Depressive and Anxiety Disorders 119

9. Complex Cases 141

References 161

Index 169

تحميل كتاب Psychotherapy and Medication The Challenge of Integration 2ry22aq

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

مزاجي *: : عادي
الجنسيه *: : جزائر
عدد المساهمات : 16284
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/07/2009

تحميل كتاب Psychotherapy and Medication The Challenge of Integration Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تحميل كتاب Psychotherapy and Medication The Challenge of Integration   تحميل كتاب Psychotherapy and Medication The Challenge of Integration Emptyالإثنين نوفمبر 28 2011, 00:26

تحميل كتاب Psychotherapy and Medication The Challenge of Integration Why%20Men%20Don%27t%20Listen%20and%20Women%20Can%27t%20Read%20Maps%20%28repost%29

حـجـــــــم الـكتـــــــــــــــاب : 3 MB
نـــــــــوع الـمـــــــــــــــلف : pdf



Introduction 14

A Sunday Drive

Why Writing This book Was So Tough

1. Same Species, Different Worlds I9

Some Things Are Obvious

Different Job Specs

The 'Stereotype' Argument

Is it All a Male Conspiracy?

Where We (the Authors) Stand

The Nature Versus Nurture Argument

Your Human Guidebook

How We Got This Way

We Didn't Expect it to Be Like This

Why Mum and Dad Can't Help

We're Still Just Another Animal

2. Making Perfect Sense 34

Women as Radar Detectors

The Eyes Have It

Eyes in the Back of her Head?

Why Womens' Eyes See So Much

The Slippery Case of the Missing Butter

Men and Ogling

Seeing is Believing

Why Men Should Drive at Night

Why Women Have a 'Sixth Sense'

Why Men Can't Lie to Women

She Hears Better Too...

Women Read Between the Lines

Men Can 'Hear' Direction

Why Boys Don't Listen

Men Miss the Details

The Magic of Touch

Women Are Touchy-Feely

Why Men Are So Thick-Skinned

A Taste for Life

Something in the Air

The X-Philes

Why Men Are Called 'Insensitive'

3. It's All In The Mind 57

Why We're Smarter than the Rest

How Our Brains Defend Territory

The Brains Behind Success

What's Where in the Brain

Where Brain Research Began

How the Brain is Analysed

Why Women Are Better Connected

Why Men Can Only Do One Thing at a Time!

Try the Toothbrush Test

Why We Are Who We Are

Programming the Foetus

The Brain-Wiring Test

How to Score the Test

Analysing the Result

A Final Word

4. Talking And Listening 85

The 'Blue or Gold Shoes' Strategy Why Males

Can't Talk Proper

Boys and Their Schooling

Why Women Are Great Talkers

Why Women Need to Talk

The Hormonal Connection

Women Love to Talk

Men Talk Silently to Themselves

The Downside of Silent Talk

Women Think Aloud

The Downside of Thinking Aloud

Women Talk, Men Feel Nagged

Why Couples Fail

How Men Talk

Women Multi-Track

What Brain Scans Show

Strategies for Talking with Men

Why Men Love Big Words

Women Use Words for Reward

Women Are Indirect

Men Are Direct

What to Do About It

How to Motivate a Man to Action

Women Talk Emotively, Men Are Literal

How Women Listen

Men Listen Like Statues

How to Use the Grunt

How to Get a Man to Listen

The Schoolgirl Voice

5. Spatial Ability: Maps, Targets And Parallel

Parking 118

How a Map Almost Led to Divorce

Sexist Thinking

The Lunch-Chaser in Action

Why Men Know Where to Go

Why Boys Hang Out in Video Arcades

Boys' Brains Develop Differently

Diana and her Furniture

Testing Spatial Ability

How Women Can Navigate

What if You Can't Find North?

The Flying Map

The Upside-Down Map

A Final Test

How to Avoid an Argument

How to Argue While Driving

How to Sell to a Woman

The Pain of Reverse Parallel Parking

Women Are Safer Drivers

How Women Were Misled

Spatial Ability in Education

Spatial Skill Occupations

Billiards and Nuclear Science

The Computer Industry

Maths and Accounting

All Things Being Equal...

Boys and their Toys

How Women Feel

Can You Improve Your Spatial Skill?

Some Useful Strategies

In Summary

6. Thoughts, Attitudes, Emotions And Other

Disaster Areas 149

Our Different Perceptions

Boys Like Things, Girls Like People

Boys Compete, Girls Co-operate

What We Talk About

Talking Dirty

What Modern Men and Women Want

Emotion in the Brain

Women Value Relationships, Men Value Work

Why Men 'Do Things'

Why Men and Women Leave Each Other

Why Men Hate to Be Wrong

Why Men Hide Their Emotions

Why Men Hang Out with the Boys

Why Men Hate Advice

Why Men Offer Solutions

Why Stressed Women Talk

Why Stressed Men Won't Talk

Using Spatials to Solve Problems

Why Men Flick the TV Channels

How to Get Boys to Talk

When They're Both Stressed

The Complete Shut-Out

How Men Alienate Women

Why Men Can't Handle Women Being Emotional

The Crying Game

Eating Out

Shopping: Her Joy, His Terror

How to Give a Woman a Sincere Compliment

7. Our Chemical Cocktail 176

How Hormones Control Us The

Chemicals of 'Falling in Love'

Hormonal Chemistry

Why Blondes Have High Fertility PMT

and Sex Drive

Woman's Chemical Gloom

Testosterone: Bonus or Curse?

The Case of the Flying Crockery Why

Men Are Aggressive

Why Men Work So Hard Testosterone

and Spatial Ability Why Women Hate

Reverse Parking Mathematics and

Hormones Modern Man's Hunting

Why Men Have Pot Bellies and Women Have Large


8. Boys Will Be Boys, But Not Always 197

Gays, Lesbians and Transsexuals

Homosexuality is Part of History

Is it Genetic or a Choice?

Why People Look to the Father

Can the 'Choice' Be Changed?

The Case of Identical Gay Twins

It's in their Genes

The 'Gay Gene'

Gay Fingerprints and Family Studies

Experimental Changes

It's What Happens in the Womb

The Transsexual Brain

Are We Slaves to Our Biology?

Why Gay Men Aren't All Alike

Lesbian Differences

9. Men, Women and Sex 216

How Sex Began

Where is Sex in the Brain?

Why Men Can't Help Themselves

Why Women Are Faithful

Men Are Microwaves, Women Are Electric Ovens

Why We Argue About Sex

Sex Drive and Stress

How Much Sex Are We Having?

Sex on the Brain

How Sex Improves Your Health

Monogamy and Polygamy

Why Men Are Promiscuous

The Rooster Effect

Why Men Want Women to Dress Like Tarts

(But Never in Public)

Why Men Are Three-Minute Wonders

The Ball Game

Balls Have Brains Too

Men and Ogling

What Men Need to Do

What We Really Want, Long-Term

Why Men Want 'Just One Thing'

Why Sex Suddenly Stops

What Men Want From Sex

What Women Want From Sex

Why Men Don't Talk During Sex

The Orgasm Objective

What Turns Us On?

How Men Get a Raw Deal

The Aphrodisiac Myth

Men and their Pornography

Are There Female Sex Maniacs?

Lights Off or On?

10. Marriage, Love And Romance 255

Why Women Need Monogamy

Why Men Avoid Commitment

Where is Love in the Brain?

Love: Why Men Fall In and Women Fall Out

Why Men Can't Say 'I Love You'

How Men Can Separate Love from Sex

When Women Make Love, Men Have Sex

Why Great Partners Look Attractive

Do Opposites Attract?

Physical Opposites Attract

The Hips-to-Waist Ratio is the Key

Men and Romance

Some Surefire Romance Tips for Men

Why Men Stop Touching and Talking

Why Men Grope and Women Don't

Is There Love in Springtime?

How to Think Sexy

Recreating Infatuation

How to Find the Right Partner

11. Towards A Different Future 279

What Do Men and Women Really Want?

Occupational Choices

The Feminising of Business

What To Do About Boys

No Role Models for Boys

The Sports Hero

Is This All Politically Correct?

Our Biology Hasn't Changed Much


References 293

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